The Quick FIRE Q&A - all yours for 60 mins! - £187.00
This is for anyone who wants to ask me anything product/development/ Design and sales related, we can get all your problems solved in this hour
Do you need some extra support in your business?
Do you have a few burning questions you need to answer, whether they’re about Production, sales analysis or just an ear for an hour to sound out your ideas in general?
Want my advice, but aren’t quite ready for full 1:1 consultancy support?
Then this is for you my friend! You have me for 1 hour so we tackle your problems & questions to bring you more clarity & confidence in your business
This is for you if:
You don't have a big budget to spend on your manufacturing or marketing & don't want a 1-1 consulting service.
You have HOT questions you need answered, quickly!
You want advice & guidance from an expert.
You're sick of trying things that aren't working.
Go ahead and book a time … I’m so excited to help you!!